Some architectural styles go hand in hand with certain environments. A-Frame architecture is a popular design of lodge-style homes, cabins, and other dwellings in wooded or mountainous areas. Its steeply angled roofline is its most defining characteristic, giving the homes designed in this style a truly unique aesthetic.
A-Frame Style Architecture
Any home designed with an A-Frame architectural style stands out amongst its neighbors. The roof structure that starts near the foundation and rises together to a point at the roof’s apex, creating a capital “A” shape, is a unique take on what is usually a more horizontal line elsewhere in residential home design. The vertical nature of an A-Frame roof allows snow to easily slide off rather than accumulate and cause damage. This is just one reason why these homes are so popular as cabins, lodges, and mountain homes in snowy climates.
Image Source: Getty Images – Image Credit: Jeremy Poland
A-Frame designs are often used in vacation homes. Their unique structures compliment forested and mountainous landscapes, making them a perfect choice for homeowners looking to purchase or build vacation homes in natural surroundings. Usually two- or three-story buildings, A-Frames typically utilize the top floor as a loft. The roof lines make a triangular shape, perfect for large windows that let in lots of natural light and capture panoramic views. Relatively simple to design, A-Frame homes often have smaller living spaces due to the decreasing square footage from bottom to top.
Image Source: Getty Images – Image Credit: skynesher
A-Frame homes have become so popular that prefabricated design kits are now widely available. Building an A-Frame from scratch and purchasing a ready-made kit both have their respective advantages. The kits are generally faster to build, cut down on wasted materials, and give you the opportunity to build your own cabin home. Building from scratch gives you more control over the elements of design and allows you to make modifications as desired before the home is finished. Between the two options, what’s more affordable depends on the size of the home, whether additional preparatory work is needed on the property before building, contracting costs, and more.